Tuition Deposit Plan

Did you know that most schools require you to put money down to secure your spot in college? This is called a tuition deposit. Many schools also have a housing deposit if you are going to live on campus. Don’t wait until March or April to make a tuition deposit plan. Figure out how much money you might need and let’s make a plan to help you get there. If a relative or your parents plan on paying it for you, talk about setting that money aside in chunks instead of paying it as a lump sum.

Getting to Know Your Campus Complete

Once you’ve accepted an admissions offer to a college it’s time to start getting familiar with your future school. This is more than busy work, this is important prep work so you can feel better adjusted to your new home. This should be a fun activity that you can do over the internet or on a campus visit. You can even do a lot of this research with a campus catalog or recruitment materials.

Matriculation Checklist: The Most Important Document For Getting To College

This might be THE MOST important document to help you get to college in the fall. Being admitted to college is just the first step in the matriculation process. Here’s what you need to do after you have received your admissions decisions. DON’T DROP THE BALL NOW! You’ve done way too much work.

College/ Financial Aid Password Sheet

A password sheet for all your college application and financial aid related passwords. Keep them in one place and save time, energy and reduce the dress of applying to college.

This is a great one to start at the beginning of the year. Or for you late birds, write all your passwords down now, because you will need them when you are checking to see if your file is complete or for admissions decisions.

It’s also great to keep your ACT/SAT and FAFSA info all together. Just make sure this sheet either stays at home or locked in a file cabinet if you do put your FAFSA info on it.